What We Do:
What We've Done:
PestworldforKids.org |
Roles: Instructional design, content development, web development Audience: Elementary and middle school students and teachers |
Redesigned and expanded family and student resource for learning about pest ecology and animal adaptation. Developed report writing center, science fair kits, and standards-based lessons. |
TrafficKontrol - Center for Transportation Studies, |
Roles: Instructional design, content development Audience: Middle and high school students and teachers |
Developed standards-based traffic engineering curriculum to support online game. |
Roseville Utility Exploration Center |
Roles: Instructional design, content development, multimedia development Audience: Elementary school students and teachers |
Developed field trip programs for grades 1 - 6 that integrated key messages of sustainable living with the concepts of electrical circuits, the periodic table, and the water cycle. |
Minnesota Historical Society Fields, Forests, and the Falls: Connecting Minnesota http://discovery.mnhs.org/ConnectingMN/ |
Roles: Instructional design, content development |
Developed graphic novel treatment to render nineteenth century writing more accessible to the target audience. | ||
Minnesota Historical Society Educator's Portal http://discovery.mnhs.org/edportal |
Roles: Information architecture, interactive design, formative evaluation |
Developed a flexible, “one-stop shopping” resource for teachers to quickly filter the myriad educational assets produced by the Minnesota Historical Society. Designed interface and dynamic database architecture to enable non-educators to create credible connections between a MHS program and Minnesota social studies standards. | ||
Power Lessons |
Roles: Instructional design and content development Audience: Middle and high school teachers |
Developed scripted lessons for reviewing critical math concepts. |
Minnesota Public Radio Sound Learning http://soundlearning.publicradio.org |
Developed scalable teacher resource that repurposed broadcast audio for use in the middle and high school classroom. Created lesson templates and "quick start" guides that help teachers develop lessons from MPR content within fifteen minutes. | ||
PLATO Learning, Inc. Math Fundamentals http://www.plato.com/ |
Roles: Instructional design, interactive design, content development |
Developed online lessons that provided remedial instruction in numeracy, operations, geometry, and measurement. Designed Flash-based interactive manipulatives for procedural lessons and scripted content for target audience. Created offline pre- and post- lesson exercises. | ||
Minnesota Historical Society TimePieces http://events.mnhs.org/timepieces |
Roles: Instructional design, interactive design, content development |
Developed online interactives that provided opportunities for research and inquiry learning. Created standards-based supplemental lesson plans to further integrate learning with standard classroom curriculum. | ||
Sanford ArtEdventures/Educational Web Adventures Art of Crime http://www.sanford-artedventures.com/play/crimedetection/index.html |
Roles: Instructional design, interactive design, content development |
Developed drawing game and scenarios to teach portraiture and awareness of the left - right brain duality. |